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Date Posted: 12:27:38 10/20/05 Thu
Author: Robert Newcombe
Subject: Where was that drum set...?

OK guys, I was not a Wolfhound, but you may still find this entertaining. During all of '68, I was gun bunny on an airmobile 105 in Bravo Battery, 2/13 Artillery. We were IIFFV, 23rd Artillery Group, but it seems the good ol'e electric strawberry seemed to need us an awful lot. We ended up playing musical FSB's with 1/8 Arty and 7/11 Arty, both of 25th ID fame. Because we were "whore" artillery ( We went wherever a little boom boom was needed ) we went so many places I can't begin to remember them all, but one place we "vacationed" has left an indelible memory... For just a few days in late 68, our battery went to a base camp ( can't remember which one ) We stayed right next to an unoccupied rear area that had Wolfhounds signs everywhere, but there was nobody there. There was an unused "EM" club that had 2/27 a Wolfhound regimental crest, and I went inside with a couple beer sucking 13Bravo's ... There was a drum set in there. I played it for an hour or so and put the sticks back exactly where I found them. Now, 35 years later, I still wonder whom did those drums belong to...? I'll settle for somebody telling me what base camp that was...? Does any Wolfhound remember the drum set in an empty EM club...? The base camps it might have been are Cu Chi, Dau Tieng, Tay Ninh, or Lai Khe... Anybody know...?
Well, even if you don't know... God bless. "Shot out"

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