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Date Posted: 21:21:11 08/18/03 Mon
Author: Kayleen
Subject: ~Only pure in some ways~

Height:5' 8"
Personality: She is a very active person who seems like she must always be on the go. Her busy attitude can get to annoy some but she doesn't really seem to notice. She is somewhat self-centered but not overly so.
Appearance: She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. She often has a hurried and distracted look about her.
Past: She grew up in a small town with 2 brothers and one sister, her family was always doing something together when they had free time. They knew their neighbors fairly well being the friendly people they were. In high-school she was in every extra curicular activity she could get her hands on. Sports, art club, debate team you name it and she probably tried. Despite all of these she wasn't exactly well liked because she was always to busy to make friends. The validictorian of her class she had her pick of colleges but decided to put it off for a year or two just to rest.
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