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*the small girl made her way silently, the darkness of the night mainly hid her tiny form, mousy brown hair, tangled and dirty hung in her face. Eerie blue eyes scan her surroundings before she moved forward again, not noticing anyone near by. She was like a ghost disappearing in the minimal light just to reappear again. The only hint of moonlight showed her torn cloths, her bare feet, and her unkempt condition. She moved with almost no sound at all, her movements fit her quiet and eerie* Name: Edana Nickname: Eda Age: 7 Height: 3' 8" Weight: 37 Gender: Female Species: Human. Appearance: brown hair that fall down a little past her shoulders, empty eerie blue eyes that make it look like she is staring through you instead of at you. She is dirty, and raggedy looking, and quite eerie. She is fair skinned, which shows off the dirt easily. Hints of scars mark her body. Extra: She usually doesn’t talk at all, when she does you usually can’t hear her. her voice is the kind of voice everyone has to stop and ask her to repeat but she never does. She doesn’t knowledge most of anything, and when she does acknowledge you it usually with an eerie glance, or a voiced answer. Her voice is husky and low as if she wasn’t used to using it, and has to strain to use it. she usually talks slowly, and pointedly to make sure she was understood. She’s good at hiding, and can make a hiding place out of anything. Personality: Quiet, very quiet she could sit for hours doing nothing; she often acts like she is deaf and can’t hear you. She prefers her own company to anyone else and she is slightly bitter to most people. She knows she was rejected from the world, and hides out any where she can, she is prone to disappearing for days at end. She nothing like a normal seven year old, she seems to have hidden herself, emotionally as she often does physically. Past: She was traumatized at a young age when she watched her father kill her mother, when she was only 2, then her father raised her abusing her for 3 years before he abandoned her. She then raised herself, already being very mature for her age due to her father’s neglect she cooked and cleaned what she needed. She raised herself until herself until her father abandoned her, because she had no money she was forced out of the house luckily going unnoticed, she slept in neighbors’ shed that night before moving on. She survived by stealing, and her skills at raising herself. She now somehow managed to wander here My shell is thick My silence thicker. Fire burns me from within but I do not complain. Avoided as a plague I gave up on people long ago. Longing to fit in but never daring to try My shell is thick My silence thicker ©Shellhead Innocents lost, a shattered youth Builds up walls, to hide from the pain No more I love yous, No longer daddy’s little girl No more laughing there’s only tears No more hope only fear A shattered life, at the hands of fate ©Stacey/sly HTML and Pic © sly/Stacey Raising Hell Studios |