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Date Posted: 16:11:47 08/24/03 Sun
Author: Jenna
Subject: <font color=deepskyblue><font face=papyrus>^Rides in^

Name: Jenna
NN: Jen, Kat
Gender: F
Age: 22
Height: 5'6
Weight: 119lbs
Appearance: brown hair with blonde streaks, blue eyes, very skinny and refined features, nice proud stance.
Personality: Kind, Loving, Patient, Loves Competition, Doesn't let a anyone put her down, fits into the crowd, born leader.
Past: Born to 2 parents that both trained horses. Her father trained Western Pleasure and her mother was a born Dressage Queen. As a kid she competed in local shows at age 6 until age 8 when she began competing nationally. At age 14 she became an apprentace under her mother and began to train and coach younger girls with the same dream as herself, to excell as a horsewoman. Now she competes actively at National Dressage Shows and on her spare time trains A rated show horses and coaches national competing girls.

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