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Date Posted: 13:35:04 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Dante
Subject: ::Danger Zone"::
In reply to: Sam 's message, "*-Entrada-*" on 21:31:40 08/27/03 Wed

Male of ashen coloring watches the bewildered looking fae from his position leaning against a building in the shadows. Slow, seductive smile tugs at his lips as he zeros in on her innocence. Slowly, he uncrosses his arms and drops his boot clad foot to the ground. He makes his way out of the shadows and into hte light, blinking lazily at the sudden brightness. He weaves his way toward the nymph, keeping his eye on her constantly, to make sure she didn't slip out of sight. He halts before her and smiles slwoly, charmingly. Welcome to Cascade.. You look lost, can I help? He slips his hands in his hip pockets, the tips of his fingers brushing against hte sharp edge of his dagger. Though he carried weapons, they were rarely seen by common folk, hidden from view by the black leather trenchcoat that cloaked him. He shakes raven tresses from his eyes, and when that fails to improve his vision, runs a long fingered hand through his hair, silken locks falling back into place stubbornly. He ignores it, and offers her his hand. I'm Dante by the way... The pleasure's mine. He flashes her a grin of... what? interest maybe.

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