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Date Posted: 08:17:56 08/30/03 Sat
Author: Tasuki.Tamahome
Subject: .·.·.F i r e.A n d.I c e.·.·.

.·I stumble in,panting lightly as I manage to drag my tattered,and wrecked body into the shade of a large oak to rest.I had been though a difficult journey,as you could probably tell from my position.My garments were tattered and worn,blood staining what was visible of my flesh.It looked like I had been in a dog fight,and barely managed to escape.My breathing laboured,I shift,my eyes drifting shut,faintly aware of my surroundings,and really I couldn't care less·.

Name: Tasuki (Genrou)
Real Name:: Kou Shun'u
Nickname: Genrou or Gen-Chan
Age: 18 to 19
Height: 178 cm (5'10)
Info: His favorite things are drinking, partying, sleeping, partying, and, uh, I guess that's it. He tends to wear rather flamboyant outfits, with lots of jewelry (he is a bandit after all!). His has fangs, and flame-red hair. He also has a character on his body meaning "wing".

I follow in silence behind my companion,gaze settled to his beaten frame.I myself,along with our other companion,had faired pretty well in our recent fight.Only Tasuki decided he'd try to take them all on his own.With a sad sigh,I lower myself to his side.

Name: Tamahome, Sukanami Taka
Real Name: Sou Kishuku
Nickname: Tamahome, Tama, Tama-chan
Age: 17 to 18
Height: 180 cm (About 6 ft.)
Skills: Expert martial artist (as Tamahome). Normal guy as Taka. He has a Chinese Character on his forehead for "Ogre" (Oni) as Tamahome (and later as Taka). Tamahome has the ability to turn into "Super Tamahome" when he gets really upset, and his hair stands on end and his eyes turn red.

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