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Date Posted: 13:14:14 09/12/03 Fri
Author: Corinne
Subject: So here she was again. Being moved to a new home. Why? (ooc note: She needs to be adopted)

Name: Corinne

NickName: Cor. No one may call her that since her grandmothers death.

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Height: 5" 5'

Weight: 120 lbs

Appearance: Nice sized for her age, with light hazel hair, to the sholders. Stormy jade colored eyes.

Personality: Corinne is quiet. She rarely talks, because she has had such trauma in her life. See history for more.
Past: She and her mother where in a car accident when she was 5. She made it out with two broken legs, afew fractured ribs and stiches in her left cheek. Her mother died. She moved in with her father, who was a heavy drinker, and became abusive to her. Then she was moved in with her aunt, but her aunt want her and was sent to her grandmother. For awhile Corinne was happy again, but it wouldn't last. One the 7th of july, her grandmother fell whal going down to the basement when corrine was out, and died. Once again she was moved in with a nice foster family until the corts could get someone to adopt her, but the foster family grew tired of her constant depression and sent her away. Now she is being sent to another new home, but will anyone want her??


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