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Date Posted: 19:26:21 09/17/03 Wed
Author: Faith
Subject: Where am I?

Name Ganibella
NickName Bella
Age 16
Gender Female
Height 5'5"
Weight 115
Appearance Slinder body with one tattoo on upper arm, slim pale face with short icy white hair and two chin length strands of blue hair hanging on opposite sides of her face. She wears a pair of faided blue jeans with wholes on the back pockets and on the knees. She also is wearing a form-fitting light blue tank-top with a picture of a fairy on the front.
Personality Bella is often very quiet and is usually found observing things. When upset she tends to raise her voice and get a bit mouthy. Although it takes alot to make her angry. She loves to be around animals, and often times talks to them as an alternitive to other humans. She usually does not approach other humans but waits for them to approach her first.
Past Bella had a somewhat rough past. Her family was killed when she was eight and she has lived on the streets since then. She soon found a guy in which she could not live without, but one night she walked in on him with another woman. She suddenly collapsed and when she awoke, she found herself in a strange unknown place. The only thing she could think was, "Where am I?" ...

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