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NickName: Indi
Age Appearance: 21
Actual Age: ??
Mental Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115
Appearance: She is slender and toned. Her ivory tresses cascade to mid-back when not pulled back in a high ponytail. Two ice blue streaks frame her slender face. She has pale green eyes and slightly tan skin. The only mark on her is a thin white scar running from her elbow to her shoulder.
Personality: Very sweet if you don't get on her bad side. She like most people has one and her temper is hurt first ask questions later. She works well with horses and other animals.
Past: Oi, a fairly normal past a mom and dad she grew up with. Her parents were Christian but she turned Wiccan when she was 12 years old. She has studied it and has mastered quite a bit of it. Don't worry she can't use majick for evil it's in the Rede.