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Date Posted: 08:45:57 01/12/05 Wed
Author: No name
Subject: Re: The D's Seem to Finally Get it
In reply to: 's message, "The D's Seem to Finally Get it" on 16:49:44 01/11/05 Tue

Is "life" really the decisive issue in PA elections? If so, how did Gore and Kerry both win PA easily? Why do we have a five-term pro-choice U.S. Senator? How did we elect a pro-choice Republican Governor twice? Why did "conservative values" Klink lose to Santorum? Where were the angry pro-life Dems when Rendell killed Casey in the '02 primary? And why did Rendell trounce Fisher all over the state?

The candidates who won presented their positions more forcefully regardless of what they were, whether on "life issues" or otherwise. Mostly they talk about actual important issues instead of walking into the wedge issues that conservatives try to force their opponents into. Or they highlight their record. Does Casey have either of these things? Strong positions or a record?

People like Casey and Wagner win statewide for simple reasons. 1) Someone knows their name 2)someone is from the same region of the state as they are 3) someone is registered in the same party as they are. These races are meaningless. Could anyone really have willingly voted for Jack Wagner if they knew anything about him?

Granted, the potential candidate I've expressed my preference for- Hafer- has spent most of her political career winning these same meaningless races. But her record is much longer and more distinguished than Bob's, I've been able to discern where she stands on important issues across her career, she has comparable statewide name rec. to Casey, and she stands closer to my own positions on these wedge issues that everyone has been duped into talking about. The national party-whose help the eventual candidate will need badly against an entire national GOP machine arrayed behind Santorum- shares those positions. So does, I would argue, the majority of Pennsylvanians who will consider voting Democratic regardless of how they're registered.

Hafer can win many of the conservative Dems based on her background and record, will win over more moderate Rs than Casey would, and won't alienate liberals (who do exist, by the way). If she "scares people" maybe that's what we need, cause (P)Rick scares the living shit out of me.

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