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Date Posted: 18:42:48 02/02/05 Wed
Author: No name
Subject: Re: Santorum only Christian candidate
In reply to: 's message, "Re: Santorum only Christian candidate" on 08:20:40 02/02/05 Wed

I don't really know, that friend of mine has a serious drug problem, but I don't think he'd lie about it. We were talking about homosexuality and Harrisburg so I thought I'd share. Bear in mind, though, that it is per capita, so a larger city needs a lot more homosexuals to keep up.

>I don't believe that. Maybe top ten, but number 2?
>No way. Have you been to Chicago, San Francisco,
>Philadelphia, or Charlotte?
>And also, who's doing this research? How do you
>measure something like that?
>>A friend of mine from Harrisburg told me it has the
>>second highest per capita homosexual population in the
>>>I'm actually pretty sure they BOTH have homesexuals
>>>their staff. Anyone who has a significant staff
>>>presence in Harrisburg is likely to have a few,
>>>Harrisburg just has a relatively high population of
>>>them. There are a lot of gays in Harrisburg
>>>And I'm a right wing Republican, and I don't care
>>>who's on their staffs as long as they're not ax
>>>murderers or child molesters or anything. I care
>>>about the candidate's agenda.
>>>>Bob Casey has a....my god dare I utter the
>>>>homoSEXUAL on his staff? CRUCIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HIM!
>>>>When are you right wing bigots and hate mongers
>>>>to start following the REAL teachings of Christ and
>>>>stop hating people because you don't understand
>>>>Grow UP already you losers. I would love to be a fly
>>>>on the gates of heaven when you get there and St.
>>>>Peter turns you away because you lived a life full
>>>>hatred for your fellow man.

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