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Date Posted: 12:52:59 03/04/05 Fri
Author: No name
In reply to: 's message, "Chuch Pennachio" on 11:11:31 03/02/05 Wed

The apparent decision of Barbara Hafer not to seek the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senator, reported by politicspa on March 4, 2005 is a positive step towards the goal of uniting the Democratic Party behind the candidacy of Bob Casey. Having a year long primary fight would only complicate the task of uniting the Democratic Party in a six month general election campaign.

There is obviously a deep difference of opinion with the Democratic Party on the abortion issue. These differences are important, however, only if the Democratic Party has significant strength in the U.S. Congress. All of us have to face the unpleasant reality for Democrats that that is not the case today, and may not be the case for some time.

Bob Casey is the best hope of the Democratic Party to break the dismal streak of losing elections beginning with Republican Hugh Scott's victory over Democrat Genevieve Blatt in 1964, while Lyndon Johnson was carrying the state for the Democrats in a landslide. While there are many Democrats well qualified to be U.S. Senator, it may well be that Bob Casey is the only one with a chance to actually get elected. The fact is that we Democrats have lost with some really great candidates, including Genevieve Blatt, Lynn Yeakel, Bob Edgar, and Joe Hoeffel.

Pro-life Democrats, pro-choice Democrats, and Democrats either on the sidelines on this issue or someplace in between should talk to each other in as constructive and friendly manner as possible. The issue differences may never end, but a cooperative attitude towards each other may put us in a position where we can play a much larger role in Washington and Harrisburg, to the benefit of all concerned.

There are many areas of agreement (almost everyone is pro-adoption for instance), and there could be more areas of agreement over time with more dialogue. We must stop the practice of voting Republican to get pro-life policies and instead getting Social Security privatization, lower wages, and reduced social programs.

Rep. Mark B. Cohen
House Democratic Caucus

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