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Date Posted: 09:39:26 03/09/05 Wed
Author: No name
Subject: Christianity Does Not Belong On A Sleeve
In reply to: 's message, "Santorum only Christian candidate" on 12:00:34 01/22/05 Sat

As a Christian who tries to do what is right and live as Christ would want me to, I believe Christians in government must be moral and upright. They must be respectful of all people, be humble, honest, listen to what the legal citizens say from all walks of life. A politican should consider the needs of the weak, the poor and the disabled who cannot do for themselves and do not have powerful and greedy business lobby and other special interests that consider the down and out, but step all over those that Lincoln, a Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt felt the moral responsibility to look out for. Lincoln and the two Roosevelts stood to correct much of what was wrong when they were president. Each made mistakes, but were humble enough to recognize the need to do what was good for the nation as a whole.

A moral Christian need not wear his beliefs on his sleeve, or have advocates do it for the politican. They will be known by their deeds and respect for what is right and the wishes of the voting citizens.

I do not see Senator Santorum as being a savior to look out for the poor, the disabled, the low income, or even help the middle income class to maintain their ability to earn a middle income. On the contrary, Senator Santorum seems to be an advocate for the opposite.

Being opposed to abortion and gun control are not the only issues that those who profess to be Christians should care about. Christ indicated there will always be the poor and noted what the poor did and how they were perceived by those in political power.

Think about it. Would even a competitor to Senator Santorum stand to enforce all of the laws of the land and represent all of the people, not just the powerful with money. Ask both of them questions when they are out on the hustings trying to get your vote. Do not let them spin and not answer your questions about the real issues.

Signed: A citizen, a voter, a social conservative, registered Republican, a voter who votes for the best candidate that meets the needs of all people for the good of Pennsylvania, not the connected, rich and powerful as is demonstrated in the U. S. Congress and the PA Legislature.

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