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Date Posted: 20:46:54 03/13/05 Sun
Author: No name
Subject: Bitter Toomey sore losers
In reply to: 's message, "REPUBLICANS FOR CASEY!" on 21:35:36 03/07/05 Mon

I have never seen such a group of sour losers. You make the sore losermans from 2000 look like winners. Eentually they stopped whining about it....

Rick had a right to support whoever he wants to. I know personal relationships and loyalty mean nothing to you, that's why you're voting Casey. To Rick, he remembered a fellow that helped him win in 1994, not some phony from Allentown who switched his position on abortion just to position himself against Specter. He also values personal relationships. Hell why don't you gove money to every Democrat facing a GOP incumbent since they ALL supported Specter?

You're just pissed off because you LOST. Your message did not sell to the majority of GOP primary voters which tend to be the most conservative among the GOP. Arlen won because he was viable in November , Pat wasn't.

Toomey is not what Rick was in 1994, he doesnt' have a pragmatic bone in his body so stop comparing them as evidence that Toomey could have won. Toomey would have been blown out in both major metros. He is a libertarian, not a true conservative, you're just overcome with hatred for Specter and it shows.

You have nothing positive to offer and like John Kerry, you will fail.

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