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Subject: Re: ** Cost Of LaserComb **

dale McKissick
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Date Posted: Thursday, April 29, 04:10:52pm
In reply to: Laser Care (Admin) 's message, "** Cost Of LaserComb **" on Friday, February 20, 09:19:38am

Please let me know when and where an office in Dallas,Tx
>LaserComb will last for about 15 to 20 years. It comes
>with a 12 weeks money back guarantee*. Incase if you
>are not satisfied, you can return the Comb at our
>office and we
>shall repay your amount with a deduction of 10% as a
>restocking fee. The Comb cost works out to Rs 277 per
>month {i.e. Rs 50,000/= (Rupees Fifty thousand only)
>inclusive of all taxes for 180 months} You can send us
>a DD/cheque for Rs 50,000/= in favour of "LASER CARE"
>payable at Bangalore and as soon as it's realised we
>shall courier the comb and the relevant money back
>guarantee document also. Or if you have any plans of
>visiting Bangalore or any of your friends or
>colleagues can visit our office at Bangalore & collect
>the comb in person as per your convenience. We are the
>only exclusive all India distributors for this
>exciting new technology Laser Comb.
>Also we do the treatment at our Centres in Bangalore &
>Chennai at Rs 250 per treatment session lasting 10-15
>We are in the final stages of opening Centres in other
>cities also. Let us know if you are interested, so
>that we can inform you when we open a Centre in your
>city. If you have any queries, feel free to talk to us
>personally at
>0-9845040984, 080-31840989
>Thanks & Regards,
>Dr Loknath Kumar
>Medical Director

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