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Thursday, March 13, 07:15:46pmLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234 ]

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Date Posted: 12:34:46 01/04/15 Sun
Author: Knut Holt

Relaxation and Stressing Down - A Simple Method to Relax Deeply

The following stepwise method will often help you to relax and take away stress, even if you so far have found this to be

difficult. You can use the method daily at a specific time, or use it any time you need to relax and relieve stress. It can

also help you to fall in a good sleep when you have gone to bed:

First lay down on your back or in any other position where you feel comfortable without need to use muscular work to

maintain your position. Also use some clothes or a carpet so that you do not feel cold.

Begin by relaxing your whole body as well as you can. Also try to stop thinking actively about anything except the


Then inhale deeply and then let the air go out of your lungs again by relaxing your chest muscles and your diaphragm

completely. Keep breathing deeply this way some while until you feel you are breathing this way automatically.

Then relax all the muscles in your pelvic area and your lower stomach as well as you can. When you feel relaxed in your

pelvic zone, concentrate on your legs and relax both your legs as completely as possible. Try to relax all the way down to

your toes.

Then turn your attention to the mid area of your back and your upper stomach and relax all the muscles in your mid zone.

When you feel relaxed here, relax your muscles downwards along your spine and further down your stomach.

Then relax your neck and shoulders. When you feel the tension slip in this zone, concentrate on your upper spine area and

your chest and try to slip all tension in your muscles here. Also concentrate on your arms and relax your arms as

completely as possible all the way to your finger tips

Then concentrate on your head and face and relax all the muscles in your head. Take especially care to relax the muscles

around your eyes and your jaw muscles.

Then make sure you still are breathing deeply and with a total relaxation of your breathing muscles when you exhale.

Try to relax your whole body even more. As a last step also empty your mind for all thoughts.

Then lay this way completely relaxed some time.

The first times you try this, you will probably not manage to relax completely, but still you will get noticeable results.

When practicing this method regularly you will relax better each time.

Knut Holt

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