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Date Posted: 10:47:22 09/17/08 Wed
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Congratulations Taralyn!!!!!

*** Congratulations Taralyn Marie! ***

:: 2008 Dixieland Dolls & Darlings ::
Level 1 Grand Supreme 0-6 $2,000 Bond Winner

** You Go Girl! **

Way to Go Taralyn! You Are a Doll!

2008 Dixieland Dolls & Darlings
Level I Grand Supreme 0-6 $2,000 Bond Winner

Ms. Cheryl ~ Thank you so much for an outstanding week-end of pageantry from start to finish! The Opryland hotel was fabulous and the Dixieland stage was awesome! Wow! The limo ride and the princess carriage ride was so much fun! Of course, one of my favorite moments was when Mr. Tim invited me to go on stage and hold the flag during opening ceremonies. I just love Mr. Tim! My other moment was when I heard my name called for the Level I Grand Supreme. I am so honored to wear the beautiful crown and be a part of the 2008 Dixieland National Royalty!

Mom & Dad ~ Thank you so much for all your support! I could not have done it without you. Mom, thank you for making me practice everyday as much as I did not want to! You are the best coach!! Dad, thank you for always making sure we have everything together for the pageant! You always know how to take care of your special girl.

Miss Toni & Alisha ~ Thank you for making me look pretty with my hair and make-up! You did a fabulous job and my Mom and I just love you to pieces!

Miss Tessa-Renee’, Nicki, Cristina and Valerie ~ Thank you all for your input and assistance in preparing me for the pageant. I truly appreciate you all going out of your way to help someone new to pageants! Thank you Tessa-Renee’ for the awesome pageant box ~ I loved all the candy and toys and it was a nice surprise! J

Miss Kerry ~ Thank you for my great tan! You were great to work with!

Thanks to everyone and Congratulations to all the girls at the pageant. You are all winners! We look forward to seeing you all again next year!

Taralyn Marie

banners gone wild

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