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Date Posted: 01:27:11 09/29/01 Sat
Author: Owner
Subject: COME TO THIS GAME!!!!

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You walk down a narrow path, you can see the horses coming closer and closer. Out of the corner of your eye you see a flash of white. You look back ahead. Suddenly a graceful grey satllion steps out infront of you and whickers softly. "I am Crusaders Heart, King of these lands." he smiles flicking his elegant head. "These lands are very Mysterious. They are known for their unpredictablity. A white knight can be seen when intruders are around. He keeps the master's work safe from the tourist and un-welcome visitors." he smiles softly. Before he dissappers....
Dark figure slides out before you. His eyes reseble a heartless soul. His hooves pound the ground retlesly. As he stares mindlessly into your eyes. He gives a shrill whinny before turning on haunches and galloping off he was Devil's Dream. Before you can take another step the white knight rides by his pure white horse galloping gracefully across the water. The ghostly pair gallop off, not even touching the water. With a flick of his mighty amoured hand he waves and disappers into a thick fog.

Horses are every where galloping and kicking frisking around happily. This is the lands of the goods. Further down the path is a black spot on the horizan this is the evils. This place has kept it secrets for many years and anything can happen...

This site is done by Dan Works.

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