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Date Posted: Wed, Dec 21, 11:15:07am
Author: Slurpadore Simian Swanky!!!
Subject: No.1 beef Noodle..a lunchtime saga..

Well my friends,

"Spanky" one of my co-workers comes up to me and says "time to eat"..Three of the most magical words in the English language and when I hear them if verifies "Pavlov's Theory"..(It is a good thing the office is carpeted..So we toodle off and grab "Big-L" and the three of us head off "The Compound" in search of lunchtime vittles..

"No Indian" says I..(I love Indian Cuisine..but I gotta be in the mood for it)

"How about Denair?" says Spanky..

"DONAIR!!!!!" I scream as I tend to do in public..

We all load up in Big-L's ride and off we go for Donair..We crack jokes and discuss manly issues of the day..As we pull into the mini-mall to grab our donairs we see a new restaurant has opened up where my much beloved Malaysian joint used to be..

(I have posted about this restaurant before..and my favorite Malaysian dish, "Chor tay teow"..You have not lived until you have eaten "Chor tay teow"..

Here is a link explaining what that fine dish is..


But I digress..)

So the new restaurant is called No.1 Beef Noodle, we enter and boy!!! did they fix up the interior..very chic and moderne'..this makes me nervous,..this place is too slick..
my theory is, if they spend that much making the joint look pretty then they cheap out on the eats..(better write that one down..it's a keeper!) they also had some mighty fine tunes a playing on the sound system..But! as fine as the music is..it does not touch a candle to the "VietPop" song that souphead and I wrote oh those many years ago..but I digress...>again<

Spanky and I both order the same thing.. "Beef Brisket with Spicy Noodle"..Big-l orders the chicken curry + rice..

If I had a pipe, it would have fell out of my mouth once I had a gander at that soup!! A huge bowl ladened with wide fat noodles, crunchy greens and real pieces of beef!! Not the mystery meat you sometimes get when you order soup in a Vietnamese resturant..but real beef!! It was awesome!!! This place is one the list..



It was affordable to boot..

No.1 Beef Noodle House..It’s great!

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