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Date Posted: Wed, Dec 28, 01:45:44pm
Author: souphead
Subject: x-mas hossin'!

ahhh yes, one more holiday feast came and went...let me tell you about what I had for the feasting.
It was everything that you expected! Turkey, ham, 3, count em', 3 kinds of stuffing, sprouts, salads, gravy, rice crispy squares (they resembled the shape Slurps skull), cream puffs (also resembling Slurps delicate nature), kubasa, spicy sausage, etc etc. Oh man, I had two huge helpings! Plus dessert...It was a great evening after when I showed all of my wife's aunts and grandma how to win at cards! Yup, they thought I was not worth worrying about, but man, I snuck up on them and won 2 games out of the 9 or so that we played...yeah..i know...not that great. But thats besides the point! Fun was had by all!

The next morning I took over the grill and cooked everyone up a big batch o' eggs n' bacon. My wife's ma wasn't feeling good half way throught he bacon so I took over! It was kinda sad because they didnt cook up their traditional breakfast dubbed "the tower of power". I was looking forward to it just from the name alone, but it looks like I gotta look forward to it next year.

Next up, look out for a hossin' report from Christmas #2 from the frozen wastelands of edmonton! Where people who freeze in the snow are kept in a locker and dethawed in the spring!

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