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Date Posted: 12:27:33 06/26/05 Sun
Author: Wynne
Subject: Player selection

Well said Peter...I think you summarised the position most accurately. The exiles do have a very difficult job especially since the loss of funding.
As you say trails at the best of time, and without any background knowledge of the players, can be such hit and miss affairs..but what are the other options without full time coordinators monitoring potential players progress over a period of time. The exiles simply do not have the recources.
Also I understand that a large number of players turned up for the trial who did not even give prior indication that the would do so. How can the coaches plan for this...they would have planed for lesser numbers, and perhaps therefore were unable to spend sufficient time in asessing each player. Perhaps if they knew how many who were going to attend they would have arranges for more assesors to be present.
I speak from a highly disappointed household in Yorkshire were my son has played for his county 12 times, but will not be at the exiles camp. However it is not right to complain or have sour grapes, that is totally unacceptable. Opportunities are always there for developement and he has come away knowing that he must continue to work hard at his game if he wishes to realise his dreams. At the end of the day if the player is good enough, he will make it ( as 'mum' quit rightly pointed out)
Sorry for all that...and any way I wish all the guys a great season next year. Successfull or unsuccessful..to what ever standard..enjoy your rugby!!!!!!

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