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Date Posted: 08:29:04 03/21/06 Tue
Author: Peter
Subject: Rosslyn Park 7s

Just a reminder to those of you, attending the Rosslyn Park schools 7s , that Alun Rise will be manning the Welsh exiles caravan until Thursday.
The Caravan is located near to pitch RE1 and Alun and Lydia will give a warm welcome to everyone who shows up. The kettle appears to be always on for the parents who need to escape from the cold!
Welsh qualified boys will be invited to register and the U15 assessment day is Sun 9th April aat Old Deer Park. The U17 assessment is on Sun 23rd April at Mill Hill School
Lydia also has on display the new Exiles kit and will be happy to sell it to you!

Alun's No. is 07739 358958

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[> Assessments -- James, 02:49:32 03/23/06 Thu

>anyone know when the invites or info comes out about the trials or have i missed out?if so how do i get one as i thought all registered players got an invite to the trials and then its by selection for the camp?. need to sort a lift their on 9 april which is quit soon. also is it under 14 and 15 this season or next season?

Just a reminder to those of you, attending the Rosslyn
>Park schools 7s , that Alun Rise will be manning the
>Welsh exiles caravan until Thursday.
>The Caravan is located near to pitch RE1 and Alun and
>Lydia will give a warm welcome to everyone who shows
>up. The kettle appears to be always on for the parents
>who need to escape from the cold!
>Welsh qualified boys will be invited to register and
>the U15 assessment day is Sun 9th April aat Old Deer
>Park. The U17 assessment is on Sun 23rd April at Mill
>Hill School
>Lydia also has on display the new Exiles kit and will
>be happy to sell it to you!
>Alun's No. is 07739 358958

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