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Date Posted: Thu, Jul 06 2006, 22:46:47 PDT
Author: Khari
Author Host/IP: cpe-72-229-167-226.nyc.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Bruce Kumar Frantzis
In reply to: Jampa Mackenzie Stewart 's message, "Re: Bruce Kumar Frantzis" on Mon, Jun 26 2006, 2:22:16 PDT


When CMC modified YCF Version of taiji...it became CMC Taiji. CMC Players will tell you that it is a Yang derviated but it is CMC Version. CMC Version has an distinct flavor that is total different from Traditional Yang. CMC still practice it to this day with that distinct flavor.

Which goes back to my earlier point, Yes people will have there on realization of a style, however in the end you should still be able to see the flavor of the style unless you change it drastically. ie shotokan is shotokan, WTC is WTC..etc etc. If you happen to walk through the park and see somebody Playing you should be able to say hey that's chen style, hey thats Yang style..etc..etc and CPL has a flavor that is unique to it.

Taiji is about change but in order to understand change...you first must have a base and this is what CPL was trying to fix because in TCM especially Taji it is very hard to decimate gong-fu from master to student becacuse people were taught haphazardly, there was no system...either you got it or you didn't.

B.K. Frantzis is truly a great IMA Master, I will never take that away from him. However, he did not learn the whole CPL from WSJ because they had a fallen out.

There is no sun style in CPL taiji, why would he add something that he already knows..ie xingyi and bagua..which was added later on by WSJ.
You are correct that the base of the style is in old wu style which was predominately old Yang style before wu added even more of his distanct flavor. Then of course it has chen and yang as well, but no sun. Think about it if he had added it, the style in the book and as I practice it would have had a more xingyi,bagua flavor especially after WSJ changed it.

You don't need to study other styles to have a deeper understanding of CPL Taji...what would be the point in creating a distinct style then..it's like saying in order to understand Cholayfut kung-fu then I need to study cho, lay and fut family kung-fu separtely.

CPL is like a post-doctoral level study of internal martial arts, however he created in such away that a neophyte could start from scratch in the style and work up to a PHD in his style..it was not meant to be an add-on after you learned other styles.

So no CPL style did not die with him...but people very well may be killlng the style by not keeping the man vision intact...and yes we need to practice more..and I need to practice more.

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