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Date Posted: 02/ 7/05 7:22pm
Author: Karen
Subject: Tonight's New Episodes (Spoilers)

The fourth seaters were Brad Sherwood and Chip Easten. Among the games were "Superherores:" Brad was Cottage Cheese Man; Ryan was Narrowly Escapes Guy; Colin was Salmon Man; Wayne was Wind Tunnel Boy; The crisis was the studio is cold; It was cold actually. Wayne knocked the talble with water down during his quirk. "Greatest Hits" was "Songs Of The Lunchlady" done in the styles of hillbilly and punk. Drew addressed Wayne as Brad by mistake. "Doowop" involved a song about a cloning accident peformed by Chip, Wayne and Colin; "If You Know What I Mean" featured Brad, Ryan and Colin as workers in a supermarket; "Props" had Drew, Ryan, Wayne and Colin; The "Buckwheat" clip in the episode's promo was not in the acutal game; In "Let's Make A Date," Chip interviewed Wayne as an angry female wrestler looking for her valentine, Colin as a headless horseman and I don't remember Ryan's quirk. Please tell me what it was! "All In One Voice" had Brad, Ryan, Wayne and Colin singing "The First Time We Swam" as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo. Brad and Colin were the winners. There is probably one game that I left out. The credit readings were the guys in the cold stuio and Ryan as the new head of Colin's headless horseman.

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