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Date Posted: 02/21/05 7:23pm
Author: Karen
Subject: Re: Tonight's New Episodes-Ferbruary 21 (SPOILERS)>
In reply to: Karen 's message, "Tonight's New Episodes-Ferbruary 21 (SPOILERS)>" on 02/21/05 7:21pm

>First episode came from the taping that featured
>Colin's Anger Management Thong Quirk. The lineup was
>Greg, Wayne, Colin and Ryan. Superheroes had Greg as
>Hot But Spicey Man, Ryan as a guy who ridicules others
>behind his back, Colin as Captain Panic and Wayne as
>Malfunctioning Robot Doctor. The crisis was no more
>shaving cream. Hey, You Down There featured Colin and
>Ryan as firemen in training. Greg provided the
>naration. Hollywood Directior consisted of Wayne as a
>college girl in the shower, Ryan as Count Dracula and
>Greg as Van Helsing. Two Line Vocabulary had Colin,
>Ryan and Wayne in a war setting. Scene To Rap was
>Jurassic Park. Foreign Film Dub had Drew and Wayne
>speaking Swahili. Greg was the winner. Colin read the
>credits as the flight attendant with the Anger
>Management thong.
>The second episode had Kathy Greenwood as the fourth
>seater. Let's Make A Date had Wayne as the laughing
>hyenas from the Lion King, Colin as a French-Canadian
>teen who gets agressive when people laugh at him and
>Ryan as a smooth, lounge singer on the Titanic. Sound
>Effects featured Ryan as Indiana Jones with Colin as
>his sassy sidekickk. Wayne, Colin and Wayne about
>forest rangers (It was suppose to be park rangers) as
>a Motown Group. In Helping Hands, Kathy and Ryan
>played a secretary and her married boss having lunch.
>Drew and Kathy spoke Italian in Foreign Film Dub.
>Wayne was the winner. Ryan sang the credits as his
>lounge singer character.

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  • Re: Tonight's New Episodes-Ferbruary 21 (SPOILERS)> -- Michelle, 02/21/05 11:05pm
  • I missed the first ep. -- pat, 02/22/05 7:26am

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