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Date Posted: 04/15/05 12:13pm
Author: Anita
Subject: Re: Did you know...
In reply to: Cookie 's message, "Did you know..." on 04/ 5/05 8:17pm

Did someone get back to you about this, Cookie?

I don't visit this board very often anymore so I missed it right after this episode aired.

I noticed that there wasn't too much discussion about the new episodes so I didn't want to post anything. I thought maybe everybody was tired of talking about the episodes.

After this new episode aired on ABCfamily, I wanted to watch the episode with LMAD. From what I remember they were the same responses.

>There are 2 things I want to tell you about. First of
>all, there is yet another of the Snack Fairy
>commercials out. This one is about the 100 calorie
>packs. And Colin actually speaks in it. I didn't
>have a tape in the VCR at the time, so I didn't get it
>The other things is about last night's (April 4th)
>episode of WL. That episode not only came from the
>same taping that had the Newsflash with the
>Chippendale policeman stripper, but it also had a
>couple of the scenes from Scenes from a Hat in it. If
>you caught the episode last night, you know that the
>Credit Reading had the guys doing as stripping
>policemen. In last night's episode, there were 4
>scenes in Scenes from a Hat. The first and last ones,
>the one about the thoughts being amplified and the one
>about the boat, were the only 2 scenes used in the
>stripper episode. Since my tape of that other episode
>is currently in storage, I would like someone to
>either confirm or deny for me that the reponses were
>the same in both. One other minor detail both
>episodes have in common is that Greg was called the
>winner, getting him out of a Hoedown both times. I
>decided to check out my games files to see if the 2
>middle scenes appeared in some other episode. They
>did not, but I did find that there was another scene
>that did appear in 2 episodes. (The scene was as to
>what the WL players tell their therapist.) But I
>don't know if they are the same. (Again, both of
>those episodes are on tapes in storage.)

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