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Date Posted: 10/11/05 4:56pm
Author: Anita
Subject: Re: I watched last night.
In reply to: pat 's message, "I watched last night." on 10/11/05 2:55pm

>For me there were three new shows. I guess I'm still
>catching up on some eps that have already aired at
>least once.

I did such a horrible job at keeping up with my ep list/compared to what is on my tape. The last two seasons or whatever you call them is all a blur to me in remembering which episode goes in which season.
>I hadn't see the one with Jeff. I absolutely loved
>Let's Make a Date, with Wayne as an excited teenage
>girl bringing her friends into the act (and Carol,
>from the audience, was a crackup!), Colin as an office
>dork performing CPR, and Ryan as... geez, I blanked
>out on his. All three suggestions were novelettes,
>not just Ryan's.

Yeah I thought Wayne did a good job as acting like a teenager.

I've seen this one before but I liked Colin's quirk the second time around too. He's so funny at acting like a office nerd.
>The actual "new" one, with Chip, was ok. In Weird
>Newscasters I was a little puzzled by Chip's used car
>salesman -- He sounded like a combination
>televangelist/infomercial/car salesman. But I still
>liked him.

Wayne's quirk was a little weird too. I really like Ryan as Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future. Well it's one of my favorite movies too. Until a fan pointed it out to me once, I didn't realize that Ryan was Christopher Lloyd in a questionable impressions game.
>Mel Gibson was a terrible suggestion. I think Ryan
>had a hard time coming up with anything to do other
>than mime drinking. I really didn't think of Mel
>Gibson as a big drinker.
>In Hoedown, Ryan's verse was completely cut out.

I thought so too. It was very odd and so very obvious too.

>>One other thing: I can't stand when Drew plays Theme
>Restaurant. I think the game works so much better
>when the "customers" don't comment on the restaurant's
>theme. But Drew is always saying things like, "I love
>this place. It's like the old West." or "They're
>really great here..." Oh well.

I agree.

For this new episode. I can't really say either way it was my favorite episode of WL. I liked seeing the 2nd part of GH. The songs of the firefighter was one of my fav GH from an old season episode. So both parts were great.

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