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Date Posted: 10/23/04 5:08pm
Author: Cookie
Subject: Re: OK, who caught The Green Screen?
In reply to: Anita 's message, "Re: OK, who caught The Green Screen?" on 10/22/04 1:11pm

Just some notes to your comments...

>I did. A brief review of the games.
>Catch the Knife-it was a game-show type skit. Brad
>was the announcer and Chip, Greg and Jeff(?) was the

Catch the Knife had Drew, Greg and Chip, with Brad as the host.

>New Choice-Brad was the caller with Jeff and Greg in
>the game as a baby proofing store.
>Sound Effects-Drew and Colin as animal tamers. Colin
>did a strange and funny accent. The audience members
>really didn't do very good sound effects but Drew and
>Colin made it work and I thought the animators helped
>the humor along with the drawings of the animals.

New Choice was the third game played and Sound Effects was second. (Just a nitpick on my part.)

>Freeze Tag-everybody. It started off with Julie
>sitting "Indian" style and Greg sitting on the floor
>touching his toes. They sat for awhile and said
>nothing but when Julie started saying the line. Jeff
>yelled "freeze". Julie said "I didn't say the
>punchline" so Jeff walked back off stage.
>Brad called in next before Julie could say the
>punchline. This time she jokingly got fed up and
>walked off the stage.
>The rest of the suggestions are sort of hard to
>explain from my memory. I'll probably have to
>re-watch the episode again to remember it all.
>I also feel that I'm forgetting a game.

No, you didn't forget a game.

Freeze Tag was my favorite game of the night...with New Choice coming in second. These two games are part of the reason why I was never too thrilled with WL having only one open seat. With the exception of those who have seen the All-Star Improv live and DCS Live III, this was the first time I had ever seen Greg and Jeff doing improv together. What a pairing!


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