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Date Posted: 05/14/03 3:22pm
Author: Anita
Subject: As we breathe a sigh of relief
In reply to: LKK 's message, "Re: Just found this item..." on 05/14/03 10:12am

Okay, that is good news to hear. Like mentioned above it will seem like a long dry spell w/o WL but at least it will be back. I agree that some network should take it over.

Did you hear about the lawyer in CA who wants to ban oreo's because of the fat content? Does anyone know his number? It sounds like he's bored and needs something to do. We could could either get him to ban reality shows or convince some other network to buy WL from ABC. LOL

>>In its eighth season, Carey's show ranks 132nd among
>>all prime-time programs. "Whose Line" is in 131st
>I'm surprised that Whose Line ended up higher ranked
>than DCS even if only by 1 point. I would have
>guessed that DCS would win out over WL because DCS
>would seem to appeal to the general masses more than

I know, it's weird because it seemed like DCS had a little higher ratings than WL each week.
>---- who wishes both had ranked higher overall

Yeah I agree, I really wish that WL would have ranked higher too. WL deserves more recognition than it gets. I honestly don't understand the American public. The idea of the show growing old doesn't wash over with me. There are so many other shows that have been on for a long time now and still are getting a high number of viewers.

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