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Date Posted: 05/18/03 2:18pm
Author: Meego/Laura . . .Laura/Meego
Subject: Re: Hey Meego... I know who YOU are... (sounds kinda creepy, doesn't it :)
In reply to: Jackie 's message, "Hey Meego... I know who YOU are... (sounds kinda creepy, doesn't it :)" on 05/18/03 8:40am

>YOU must be the Laura we sat next to at Friday nights
>show. (There are to many Laura's around here, I get
>all of you confused ;) Thanks for letting us move up
>a couple seats, that was our first time seeing the
>guys that close!...and thanks for taking the pic of us
>and Colin, came out awesome! I'll send you a copy if
>you'd like!

Hah!!! Drat . . .my secret is out . . . well, it was never a secret, but well, you know. When I first started posting there seemed to be about 50 "Laura"s out there so, I ended up using my childhood nickname. Anyhoo . . . yeah, Meego=Laura. :-)

So, YOU are the gal that sat next to me! Zowie! And thank YOU for switching seats. My seat was very good, but I wanted to sneak some pics during the show, which I did. (I was good . . . there were other folks there using flash, which I'm fairly certain that for the most part the cast hates.) Just took a few, mostly during the final game . . .but they turned out great.

Hmmm. My point? Never had one really . . .

Yeah, gal . . . send on the pic! I'd love to see it. Frankly, I'm always kind of nervous taking a pic for someone else . . . my camera skills are NOT the greatest. *G* (But I am always glad to help out whenever I can, and Colin is always so sweet about that kind of thing.)

And I would be happy to zap you a disc of pics that I took, if you guys are interested.

Be good!


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