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Date Posted: 05/20/03 8:24am
Author: LKK
Subject: Re: Did anyone watch last night's "ABC 50th Anniv. Show "?
In reply to: Another Fan 's message, "Re: Did anyone watch last night's "ABC 50th Anniv. Show "?" on 05/20/03 7:50am

>When in the show did they show Greg, Chip & Brad -
>beginning, middle or end? I tuned in around 9PM & I
>spotted Drew right off the bat & I saw the Whose Line
>clip that Bix mentioned, but I don't remember seeing
>the other three guys. Were they with their wives,

The shot of three was before the WL clip. They were sitting together. I don't remember seeing any of their significant others with them. But I'm not 100% sure because it was a quick shot. I was so surprised to see them there that by the time I thought to check, the camera had moved on.

Did anyone else think they saw Wayne at the opening of the show during the stars walking in segment? I thought I saw him a little after the shot of Drew walking in.

---- who missed Drew's onstage segment

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  • I taped the show while watching & missed a few bits while also reading. -- DL Fan, 05/20/03 3:54pm

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