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Date Posted: 05/21/03 5:24am
Author: Red Hill
Subject: Just Remember
In reply to: DL Fan 's message, "Re: Just wondering if?" on 05/20/03 7:25pm

This was saluting and showcasing 50 years of ABC programming. It seemed to me that Whose Line and The Drew Carey Show got just about the same treatment as pretty much every other ABC show. When you really think of how long ABC's been around and all that's been on TV (I was amazed during the clips how many of the shows I can remember watching growing up were on ABC) both Whose Line and The Drew Carey Show are really just a blip on ABC's radar.

To really appreciate what ABC was putting together here your really need to take a step back from Whose Line and The Drew Carey Show and realize that ABC has had many, many programs over it's 50 year history. There was not way that either show could have garnered the attention that you feel they should have recieved without ABC having to give that type of attenention to just about every other program which would have turned it from 3 hours to 3 weeks.

Both shows were seen and Drew introduced one of the bits - I think that illustrates that ABC did recognize them. Oh, and for the inquiry earlier, the bit that Drew introduced was for School House Rock which is a classic from ABC's Saturday Morning cartoons. I still, to this day, remember the words to the Preamble of the Constitution by singing the School House Rock song.

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