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Date Posted: 05/26/03 9:19am
Author: Mia
Subject: Observations
In reply to: R.C. 's message, "Brad Observations" on 05/26/03 3:53am

I saw them together earlier this year, and they were pretty much joined at the wrist. Good for them, I say. A couple of years ago, I talked to Brad and Shawna after a performance in Chicago and found them to be intelligent, creative people. They were equally friendly to me and Shawna was a great conversationalist, and we talked for about ten minutes. She left a good impression for me.

It's possible that their attitudes towards Brad's celebrity have changed over the past few years, though. Think about it. How well can ANYONE handle pressure like that, really? And this is just a guess, but during stressful times between them it could also be a case of "you kiss the fans more than you kiss me," or "you hug the fans more than you hug me" or what have you. Something like that would make Brad want to restrain from the hugs/kisses department to total strangers.

I've never met him myself, but fans report that Ryan Stiles has kind of the same thing to where he's less receptive to people when his wife is around. When she's not there, I've read that he's more open and friendly, more willing to engage in the autograph/photo bit than when she's standing by. (As a side note, three cheers for Deb McGrath! Colin's wife is a true champion when it comes to her husband being mobbed by fans, and she handles that whole celebrity issue head and shoulders over anyone else's spouse).

Nothing at all against the women in these guys' lives, you understand! After all, these guys wouldn't have stayed with them this long if they didn't truly love them... it's just an observation.

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