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Date Posted: 05/30/03 6:11pm
Author: Michelle
Subject: Re: Mousetrip game
In reply to: M 's message, "Re: Mousetrip game" on 05/30/03 5:33pm

>Ya know . . . the first time I saw the game was on a
>tape from Quink as well. And I thought it was the
>dumbest thing i had ever seen and I really didn't
>think it was a true "improv" game. But then, I saw it
>played live . . . and let me tell ya - this game is
>freakin' hysterical! You are right, its just the guys
>getting their toes and fingers snapped. But, sheesh .
>. . it is a funny game and now I really enjoy seeing
>it played. I saw it all week in Vegas and have seen
>it since played by the guys at other shows. Whew, I
>don't know why . . . but the damn thing is funny.

The first time I saw Mousetrap was in Vegas three years ago. I was horrified by it at first. I don't remember if they played it every show that weekend, but by the end of the weekend, I was laughing while watching it. My favorite part of Mousetrap is watching Ryan watch the others play. I remember one time, he came down into the orchestra pit area and was watching from that vantage point. He was laughing so hard he was almost in tears.

M, I also like to see Drew and Colin paired for that game. It's so funny to see Colin try and keep his composure and poor Drew usually gets hit so bad. Of course it doesn't help when, "Santa's little helpers" are planting mousetraps while the guys who are playing are trying to walk around.


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