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Date Posted: 06/15/03 5:42pm
Author: Julia
Subject: Sick Pictures
In reply to: Bix 's message, "A FAKE "semi-nude" photo is offensive, but it was okay to see the real thingon national TV?" on 06/15/03 11:41am

You seem to be foregetting that what Ryan did on The Drew Carey Show he did of his own volition. You've taken his likeness and, without his permission, altered it to something that crosses the line to pornographic. I'm not sure if you heard any of the Showcase of Excellence that was done in Banff but with his own mouth he voices being uncomfortable having been nude in a studio. I'm pretty sure you splashing your "fake" image across the net would make him feel no better if not worse.

And please, spare me your lecture on how he and the rest of the performers are just human and they're not saints, etc., etc., etc. I'm quite aware of that fact which is why the fact that you can't treat a fellow human with the smallest degree of respect and courtesy totally baffles and angers me.

I read on your "Rant" page your comments about being a comedian and having to push the enevelop about what is socially acceptable. That's fine on the comedy stage. You, however, are taking that attitude constantly. I have no desire to be exposed to your brand of humor. I find it debasing and disgusting - especially when I'm exposed to it without my knowledge. When I go to an Improv show, stand-up comedy show, or watch Whose Line on TV I expect social acceptability to be pushed, for foul language to be used, and sexual situations to be discussed. I don't, however, expect that in my day to day life.

It seems to me from this incident and others that have happened in the past that you don't view Ryan or any of the others as performers but rather as objects that have been put before you to have your fun. What you are calling fan awe and adoration isn't that. It's respect. Respect for people who are beyond exceptional at their craft. Respect for people that, no matter how good they are, are caring and giving to their fans. Watching you twist that all around for your own amusement is cause for anger.

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