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Date Posted: 06/17/03 8:52pm
Author: Anita
Subject: I've noticed that . . .
In reply to: Michelle 's message, "Re: So it's only visible to the administrator?" on 06/17/03 6:25pm

>Hi pat. It's good to see you. I've missed some of the
>old regulars, but like you I haven't been around the
>board as much since WL stopped being shown.

I've noticed that the board has been a little slow lately. Hopefully it'll pick up again now that WL and DCS are on the air this summer. I'm curious how strict the guidelines are for the board as far as talking about other TV shows or movies. Is that okay?

>don't want to change the board, and it sounds like
>most people don't want that either. Perhaps this
>thread will be enough to put a stop to the anonymous
>posting. I won't make any changes for now, and we'll
>see what happens.
I assume that your meaning anonymous posts that viciously attack one another? As far as that goes, I agree too. As far as the anonymous posts-I can somewhat understand why people may do that. They may be hesitant to put their name to a post for fear of getting personally attacked or they'll look stupid to everyone. I know our identity is somewhat hidden because it's by the internet but eventually everyone seems to meet one another in person when they go to the all-stars shows.

Though I agree it's not tolerable because if you have an issue with someone off the board, it should be dealt by emailing them. I think getting viciously attacked for whatever reason is wrong too.

I hope that this mb will be able to stay in the same format and hopefully everyone will feel comfortable with posting their opinions/comments.

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  • I see. Thanks, Michelle. (NT) -- pat, 06/18/03 5:35am

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