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Date Posted: 06/18/03 11:11am
Author: Ruth
Subject: Better late than never...
In reply to: huzlinefan 's message, "I agree too, in case you're wondering." on 06/17/03 10:58am

>>I'm not sure what it means to
>>have IP addresses visible.
>The IP address can be used to identify the user - so
>in some cases, one post in which they leave their name
>can be matched to their anonymous post. Knowing the IP
>number of someone can also let an administrator ban
>them from posting.

The IP addy can also be used to locate where that person is in the world (not to the exact address, although maybe a professional hacker can do that...don't imagine anyone like that is hanging around on the WL boards) and, if I'm not mistaken, it can be used to find out who a person's internet servive provider is and they can be reported. I think the IP address is unique to each connection in a household or business so it can be given to the ISP so they can identify the harrasser.

Also (yes, sorry to keep babbling) I agree that the board should stay as is (not that I post here that often to really have any say). The only reason the Giraffe Board has IPs visible is because there was a time when anonymous posters got completely out of control in the harrassment department. I haven't seen anything that bad here and I don't think it will ever be a problem.

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