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Date Posted: 06/21/03 3:59pm
Author: Michelle
Subject: Almost as good as I rememembered...
In reply to: huzlinefan 's message, "The two recent episodes..." on 06/21/03 1:07am

I have to say that I didn't realize how much I miss new Whose Line episodes until last night, and it was nice to get two great episodes.

Richard Simmons had me laughing out loud through most of it. Even having seen it live didn't make it any less funny the second time. I loved the incredulous look on Greg's face when Richard came out for Song Styles. I'm so glad they left that in. He just could not belive that Richard Simmons was there. Maybe because he was just brutal when playing him in Multiple Personalities, which was edited out. I still think my favorite line from that game was Ryan's, "Roh Roh. Rooks Rike Rouble."

Living Scenery, "I'll be the props for all these men." I laughed from beginning to end, and I loved the shots of the audience laughing. I've never been to a taping where the audience laughed harder. The only thing I didn't like is how much of Greg's laughing they cut out. It probably took Greg a good ten minutes to get it back together after the game. He'd seem to be okay and then start laughing again and have to take off his glasses and wipe away the tears. At least they left some of his reaction in. Moving People was just butchered. I wish instead of doing that to the games, they would use less games or make longer episodes. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. After waiting almost two years, I'm just glad the episode finally aired!

I LOVED the second episode. As much as the first one made me laugh, I think I liked the second one better because it was the Whose Line I learned to love. No special guests, and I liked the games they used. I think they played to Brad's strengths If You Know What I Mean. Overall two very strong episodes! What a way to end the dry spell.


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