Brian J. McIntyre
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Date Posted: 11:44:26 04/24/08 Thu
In reply to:
Brian J McIntyre
's message, "Captain Thomas H. Staynes & Alice Delilah Staynes" on 11:01:02 04/17/05 Sun
>My great great aunt and her husband were stationed in
>Oregon, Washington and eventually Glen Valley/New
>Westminster, British Columbia. I have a few quite
>ancient photographs of them both in their SA uniforms.
>Alice was born Alice Delilah McIntyre in 1864. She
>eventually married a man with the last name of Day.
>Thats all I know on that subject. She eventually met
>Capt. Thomas Staynes in the SA and they were married
>in Roseburg, Oregon as far as I can tell. They
>eventually were transferred to Glen Valley, BC in
>Canada where they lived out the remainder of their
>lives with my great great grandmother, Mary Ann
>Hunter. Mary Ann was 1st married to my GG grandfather,
>Gordis McIntyre. He up and left the family in about
>1881 and disappeared. I am under the assumption that
>Mary Ann remarried to a man with the last name of
>Hunter, although I can find no reference to this in
>our family history. They took the old wagon trail from
>Iowa to Oregon and that is where Alice met Tom Staynes
>and married him. Mary Ann always lived with Alice no
>matter where Alice ended up. Mary Ann, Alice and Tom
>are all buried in the Glen Valley/Ft Langley/New
>Westminster area of BC. The other McIntyre children
>were not involved in the SA, but I will list their
>names in case it helps someone else in their
>geneaological searches. The McIntyre children were:
>Franklin Jackson McIntyre - B.- 1852 in IL / D.- 1923
>in Alice, MT
>Horace McIntyre - B.- 1854 in IL / D.- 1930 in Helena,
>Alice Delilah McIntyre - B. 1864 in IA / D.- 1944 in
>Glen Valley, BC
>Miles McIntyre - B. 1868 in IA / D.- 1954 in
>Healdsburg, CA
>Fred Grant McIntyre - B. 1880 in IA / D. - 1954 in
>Santa Barbara, CA.
>The family, minus my GG grandfather immigrated to
>Oregon in the 1880's and everyone seems to have split
>up from there. My G Grandfather was Horace McIntyre.
>He homesteaded and founded the town of Alice,
>Montana...named for his sister. Town no longer exists
>but was close to Grant, Montana. Grant, MT was named
>for his brother Fred Grant McIntyre who lived in
>Grants Pass, OR and eventually in Santa Barbara, CA.
>Hope this history of my family will help others in any
>research they may be doing regarding the Salvation
>Army or any other research. If this site would like
>the photographs of Capt. Thomas Staynes and Alice D.
>Staynes, I would be happy to copy them. I can be
>reached at: Brian J McIntyre -
FYI - In case anyone has tried or would like to contact me still, my email address has changed and is now
Thanks and good luck with research to all!
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