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Date Posted: 11:29:45 03/26/01 Mon
Author: WindWalker
Subject: The Devil

The Devil

Hey, here goes: I'm in the mood for casting
another blasphemous thought towards long-forgot Eden.
Please duck: I can't vouschafe for my aim!
They say the Devil was once good
until dreaded "sin" was found in him... Oh, my!
That's a hell of a predicament for the poor guy!

Some people are quick to say that all bad things
are the doings of that nefarious fellow from hell:
(the Devil made me do it.) and all that.
The same people claim all good things come from God
(O thank you God, my payers are answered!)
But I must ask again: did not God create the Devil?
and that ‘sin' found in him, who put it there?
Who lured the Devil into an unmatched war?
and who created hell? Who dictated pain and sorrow
and finally, death and hell to all in turn?

If I read my Bible even a little, it seems quite clear
God had the divine tantrum, and we suffered ever since
and the Devil became just another victim along the way.
‘Cause I'm told God created absolutely everything,
and you see - sin - is certainly something. (It must be: God,
then those who speak for him make such a thing of it!)

Not only so... remember God created all things good.
I have to conclude that sin is good.
Make a liar of God: say otherwise... and don't blame me,
I'm not the author of the Bible, just my own thoughts.

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