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Date Posted: 20:26:53 03/26/01 Mon
Author: WindWalker
Subject: Forgiveness


As I Walk a pathless mountain
I think about empathy:
embracing those who hurt others: for instance,
should a rape victim forgive
the rapist who tore into her life?
Should a HIV-positive person
infected from a blood transfusion,
forgive the health care people
who utilized tainted blood?
Should a mother forgive the drunk
who killed her child?

What good could possibly come of this?
Can any of these ‘shoulds' walk
in the same reality we do?
Are these but lofty thoughts
good but for those who sit and ponder
covering perfectly good paper with words
no one can possibly believe?
Are these only examples of extreme idealism?

I believe there are those who forgive
the greatest of wrongs;
who dare to love those who have hurt them.
They do not make the headlines
but sit quietly within a circle carefully drawn
to release pain, horror, emptiness of heart
kept locked up inside from that terrifying time.

Here, touched by the light of Spirit;
here, with tears of deepest sorrow
they set free the birds of the night
to welcome their own new dawn.

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