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Date Posted: 21:50:41 03/28/01 Wed
Author: Beki
Subject: First Dance

First Dance

dancing alone in my room,
dark with love's persistent shadows
and heavy with the scent
of solitary pleasure,
I remember how you would never
dance with me.

Yet once upon another time
you held me trembling
in your gentle hand,
soothed me like a frightened bird.
Smiling you searched my eyes,
knew I trembled with blossoming desire.
There was no fear in me
except the fear that you'd grow tired
of my saucer-eyed innocence,
that you'd go away, never again
tease me into sweet dilerium
with your quick,bright tongue.

You never did grow weary
of the many ways I learned to celebrate
the lines and curves of your body,
grown so familiar to me
I could love them as well
if I were blind.

It was a kind of blindness
that made me turn away from you.
It was I who grew not weary,
but ever more curious.
In my impetuous awakening
of the body's many possibilities
I turned to another who's easy smile
quickened the flame between my thighs,
till it consumed whatever I knew
of common sense and good judgement.

I thought I loved him,
not having learned yet the difference
between devotion and desire.
And when I finally realized my mistake,
you were far away, dancing
with someone wiser than me.

But tonight,
dancing alone at 3am,
I recognize your shadow
smiling at me from the corner
of the room,reaching a hand
to pull me close.
I taste your honey breath
as I feel myself gathered
into sweet solid arms.
These 20 years later
you lead me into our very first dance.
I can only close my eyes
and follow.

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