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Date Posted: 23:49:00 03/28/01 Wed
Author: S.P. Wells
Subject: Up In Smoke

Up In Smoke

They awake,
as many mornings before.
Through their windows
overlooking the hills and meadows
of their tidy farmland,
comes the goldish red glow
of the rising sun.
Then they remember.
Like a walking nightmare,
that so few livestock
needs their care.

A plague of 'hoof & mouth'
has wiped them out
of all cloven-hoofed stock.
Their hearts become rocks .
They try to remember,
it's not only them.
As whiffs of smoke
from yesterday's burned remains,
assail their sense of smell..

Took their pigs, sheep and cows,
even the goats.
Leaving only a plow-horse,
chickens and some ducks.
They hold each other
as they weep for all lands
with losses not contained.
Wondering what now, to do.
How will they cope?

All they now want
is ask of the Restaurant owner,
why he had to be so cheap
to import illegal meat.
Then the Farmer of dire
who fed those restaurant scraps
to his pigs, lighting the fires
that's been burning through Great Britain,
now European livestock, so rampant.

Destroying the livelihoods and hope
of Farmers who can only mope
while large parts of their lives
are buried in mass graves,
or sent up .. in smoke.

SuSanne m.b. powell
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