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Date Posted: 13:34:11 04/02/01 Mon
Author: tori~
Subject: Tears~


Away from all I once adored
not knowing what it is I'm looking for
Alone, lost and out of touch
Not ever would he dream of such,
that this is me the way I've been
Now Crying seems to be my friend
here with me each and every day,
sometimes taking sleep away, never letting me alone
Yes crying is what I've come to know,
and how I wish, it would go

I'm so sorry for things I could not say
I'm so sorry that I let foolish things get in our way
Oh so sorry that I was born
for then two loving hearts would not be torn
Yes, there is much more to me that I don't know myself
I sometimes feel this is happening to someone else
Then the heart ache and all the pain come rushing into remind me again
That this is me the one who ran,
never giving time the upper hand
I knew it all, I was so smart, now its tearing me apart
Now I sit remembering all the dreams that came to pass
On that one gray day, the day I sent my love away..

I try to keep you out of my mind,
But your love is so one of a kind
There is no where for me to run
no matter where it is I go you are inside of me,
inside of me you will always be
Your love was not a passing flame
it is a fire that will always remain,
burning deep in my soul,
it's your fire that makes me loose control

People ask are you all right?
Such silly questions that they ask
to a broken hearted dreaming lass
I've told my friends of all that's true,
of love and life, of me and you
They try so hard to heal this pain
but my heart is just not answering
Instead my friends the tears come in,
over and over and over again

My eyes do ache from all the tears,
I know its time for me to stop,
I feel I have not one more drop
But tears they come to my surprise
Again they make me realize
The passion that I threw away
will drown in tears for another day

When I listen to the radio
and I hear the songs we both know
I smile and cry of time we've missed
Of gentle touches, of a treasured kiss

I'm weak , I'm fading, I have to go
These feelings I just had to let you know
And of that little wish not shared,
to one day to see you standing there,
with open arms and a smile that glows,
the beautiful eyes that let me know,
our love is here and will always be,
together, forever, you and me

But for now my friends
are calling me back to this bleak reality
Alone with my tears I will be

tori 1999

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