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Date Posted: 16:29:31 04/09/01 Mon
Author: An Art's Supp.......
Subject: Re: Common Courtesy ~ forgot clarification
In reply to: An Art's Supporter 's message, "Common Courtesy" on 09:11:34 04/09/01 Mon

This question is mostly out of curiousity
and to learn many valid points of view which
I must admit I hadn't thought of,
is a learning experience which I value from
responses and other poets on other boards
where I posted this "question". It has been a
question on my mind for too long for me not to
finally ask it and I admire any artist who puts
a piece of their soul on the firing range so
I just want to increase awareness without hopefully
causing any offence, if that is possible? It is
for the rare poet that appears here or on any
board that I mostly bring this up as they too
have the same feelings as many of us who have the
ability to post quite often and I hope I will be
forgiven for bringing it up? Although I don't need
the forgiveness to be myself, I include myself in
this "question" as I know there must be times I
wrote what may seem like a fake comment only because
of lack of time and then there are many, I have not
written because of the lack of time. I also have not
aimed this at any one poet because there must be as
many valid reasons as there is Poets and it is primary
a learning process with hopes we can be more sensitive
to the very infrequent poet or poetress.

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