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Date Posted: 07:30:47 04/13/01 Fri
Author: s.p. wells
Subject: Hidden Heart

Hidden Heart

To a strange place she came,
not for the seekings of fame.
Just wanting to survive
with integrity to live,
a woman called Samatha Proud.

In a grand house, she governessed
although well tempered employer and staff
none with to bond a deep friendship.
Except for the children, mostly silent,
were her full rose lips.

From the view of her room's window,
stood a deep forest that espoused.
Being from Blackpool, knew not hue or cry
nor could understood why
woods for her, held such a magic eye.

Also in eighteen fifty one, Queen Victoria's Crystal Palace
was built due to Prince Albert visions of glass lace
England was paying court to people of the World .
Many internationals came with their curiosity unfurled.
Of these events, Samatha would read in newpaper dailies
adding to her soul castle, thoughts as bailey.

Imagining twelve thousand jets of water
coursing through a series of fountains
within this Palace of sparkling crystal gist,
she yearned to be in the midst of this fine mist.
The years of honour she's maintained
as a beautiful female alone yet quite sane
has left her spirit wistful yet stagnant
without a center magnet.

Then on an April afternoon, with some free time
lure of trees and freshness of earth like a tart lime,
drew her towards the woods and path within.
As she walked, birds and butterflies, helped her to sing.
Then above all other sounds not intrusive
she hears soft water music.

Espied she, another path going around a bend
to a sight that gives her weary soul a mend.
As her bemused eyes drinks in,
her left hand goes to a reborn heart
in wonderment of a river cascading to it's part
of gurgling and babbling a wide stream.
Finally this woman Proud,
felt she was in life's scheme.

[s.p. wells]
SuSanne m.b. powell
9th April, 2001
[all rights reserved]

dedicated to fine poetress, Samantha G. Kennedy
who share a private smile with me about names
and the many fine poetry boards I post at.

While doing research, I also read that there is
present day interest in restoring the
' Grand Central Walkway ' as well as of terraces
and the geological islands of the Crystal Palace
that the whole of, was destroyed by fire
on 30th November, 1936. *smile**Almost on
my birthday but many years ahead but 4 days
behind. Would be lovely to see it come back
under the care of The London Borough of Bromley.

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