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Date Posted: 22:17:37 04/16/01 Mon
Author: Antipodi
Subject: The Killing of Christ.. a not poem

The great president sat wringing his hands
A beautiful sad man stood in fromt of him..emtionless
The IMF all stood mocking and accusing
Is this our king?
Let us have a crown of thorns for his royal head.
They made out a third world loan.
The people watched in awe
The European leader smiled, he would stay uncomitted , yet would stand by his friends.
This man before us is a conjurer
He preaches love and anarchy
A hush in the crowd
Most of all he claims rightousness
But he denounces our christianinty
KIll Him, Kill him they cried
The president raised his hands
The Nato chiefs screamed and raved
They would not tolerate this
He was a communist, a humanitairian
He was a worker with no money
Yet he claims to be the son of God
Blasphemy..they cried
Sanction him, sanction him
Let all his children suffer ..without
Starve his nation
They hit him with their vicious tounges
But he only smiled
Now they knew what to do
The Vatican can build hima cross
They would mock him and his nation
Make him walk a street on the world camera
Whip him with truths and untruths
The Russian centurian was sad
The Mocking crowd nailed him
The blood was a river
The river of shame bled on modern society
Is this the hero?
Save yourself that we may see you as the god you claim to be.
He could only cry softly
He was dying
The criminals in the jail knew him
They knew his innocence
"I will see you in heaven" he whispered
The dark cloud of ignorance gathered
Tomorrow would be Easter
A light burned on a cross
And dankness filled a presidents soul
The people had their way
It was time to celebrate
Champagne anybody?

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