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Date Posted: 00:00:35 04/29/01 Sun
Author: David Henry
Subject: Where Rivers Meet.

Where the waters mingle, an earthsong will heard,
The whisper of the current, the screeching of a bird
A rustle in the river gums, the plop of rising fish,
The buzzing of the native bees, all fill a long felt wish.

I could stay here all my life, beneath these stately trees,
Far away from all the strife that brings men to their knees,
And listen to the lullaby; the evening breeze so sweet
Sighing of the world that was where mighty rivers meet.

These river roads are quieter now, no pounding paddle wheel
Disrupts the silence of the song, the steam whistle’s squeal
No longer echoes through the trees that saw them come - and go.
No longer will they ply their trade and ride the rivers’ flow.

We don’t regret their passing, these age old trees and I,
We are content to stand and watch the water flowing by.
We listen to the cockatoo and see the white bird fly
And when the breeze caresses us, we give a soft low sigh.

David Henry. 29/4/01.

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