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Date Posted: 18:13:30 04/30/01 Mon
Author: Antipodi
Subject: M1 ..a Declaration

We the peoples of this planet Earth
Have had enough
To many times the few have gained the annuls of power
It is now time for the people
It is now the hour
Mothers , Fathers , children of the exploited
We must learn to say no, this has gone too far
The Money hungry are out of control
Western Nations , World Banks,The IMF
Surely there is compassion somewhere amongst you
Your children are starving
The national debt has exceded reason
Now we all owe and for what?
Money is usless metal and paper
Surely the heart and compassion is the real goal
For too long the so called work ethic has called us into workers slavery
For too long we have lived the delusion the we can be free
For in truth we can only be free if the leaders say so
We can be free in anarchy
It is time to think and become more Philanthropic
MultiNationals have a desctructive and fiscalistic approach to humanity.
They do not create jobs, they create the pain of slavery
The rich do not own the common man
We are all individules with independant rights
No man nor woman can dominate our lives or the lives of our children
Monies the rich have loaned through world banks are not contracts with our souls.
These deeds should have no strings or suspicion attached
No one expects something for nothing , yet the innocent are made feel guilty when they have been eploited by unscrupulous Nations and dictators
The Monitary system has no soul and it dictats unreason threating poverty.
It is time to recognise that all in this world have something to contribute
It is time to stand up, Yell your name and give all a chance at a reasonable life.
Otherwise our future , the future of this human dominated world is black and abismal.
Show your government you care for the enviornment, all animals and all the people.
That is my declaration and my creed

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