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Date Posted: 17:00:14 05/01/01 Tue
Author: David Henry
Subject: Anatomy.


Right inside each of us, deep down beside our hearts
Is a little vessel, the smallest of our parts.
In some of us, its working hard, it works by night and day
While others aren’t aware of it, its almost dried away.

It never dies, for years it lies waiting to be used.
It can never be atrophied, no matter how abused,
And if you choose to use it, the deepness of this well
Surprises and delights us all no matter where we dwell.

Sometimes you feel this vessel swell within your breast
When your own heart tells you that you did your best.
It is the cup of kindliness that lives within us all,
The cup from which we pour our love, the biggest cup of all.

The more you pour, the more there is, you’ll never run it dry.
And what you give comes back to you and is multiplied.
So exercise this tiny gland that sits next to your heart,
The love you give and love you get is life’s own gentle art.

David Henry. 25/10/98

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